Friday 31 October 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 4

                                SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 4
The latest to emerge from the Samsung camp is the nifty Samsung Galaxy Note 4 complete with multi-tasking features and selfies panoramic style. What's not to like there! We give you the lowdown on the top five features of this smartphone that stand out the most.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 tosses up some key features that catapults it to the top in its genre. Sleek aluminum sides, silky smooth curves and chamfered rims make this smartphone a stunner to look at. Here's a look at what makes .this phone a snazzy gadget to own. 

Screen smart:-

The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 has a beautiful 5.7" Quad HD Super AMOLED display which impels one to feel the vivacious and fluid colour as though one is seeing it live. A resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels with a 515ppi pixel density drives the fantastic imagery. This high resolution exhibits great viewing pleasure. E-booking and web-browsing gets even better with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Add to that, the Corning Gorilla Glass 3 for safety against scratches. The Super AMOLED display makes this smartphone a pioneer in the market. 

The stylish S Pen:-

This pressure sensitive S Pen gives the ease and comfort of writing as though writing with a pen. This superior S Pen has an improved touch and also, for whom it matters, a much better digital handwriting experience due to better pressure sensitivity. The S Pen can now detect 2048 varied pressure levels giving precision a new meaning altogether. An upgraded buffet of apps for multi-tasking, editing and notes makes the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 all the more delicious. 
Picture perfect:-

The brilliance and clarity of images with the sophisticated camera of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 leaves you salivating. The main camera on this smartphone is a 16MP Smart OIS back camera with optical image stabilization that decreases shaky blurs and captures life gloriously in visuals and videos. Worried about picture-taking in the dark, fret not; the f1.9/2.2 lens is the answer to that problem. There is an array of modes to choose from that aid shooting or clicking pictures in any situation. Videos can be shot in 4k resolution with unparalleled features. 


Next to the iPhone 6, the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is easily one of the most eagerly anticipated handsets of 2014. Here are our thoughts

Typical Price:-

Bigger is better:-
Even Apple saved the very best components for its iPhone 6 Plus. And the Galaxy Note 4 is a contender for the most super-specced smartphone on the planet. A new 2K screen, that Snapdragon 805 processor, a huge 3220mAh battery.
More importantly, it’s as compact as a phone with a massive screen can be, while making said massive screen as useful and usable as possible.
The verdict is in: Samsung still does big phones best.

Let’s put this into perspective. The Note 4’s screen is a mighty 5.7in on the diagonal. That’s 0.2in bigger than our current superphone recommendation, the LG G3, and Apple’s giant new iPhone, but in terms of actual handset size and ergonomics, it’s somewhere in the middle of the two.
The LG is a lovely bit of smartphone engineering, and is more compact and comfortable to hold than the new Note 4. The iPhone 6 plus on the other hand, seems even bigger than it needs to be and doesn’t sit in the hand as well. The flatter sides of the Note 4 combine with a new softer, less tacky faux leather back panel to make the Note 4 pretty comfortable and easy to grip, and while there are still a few lumps and bumps around the camera, headphone jack and microUSB port, the metal band around the entire edge of the device makes the Note 4 feel impressively sturdy and even a bit, premium. And that’s not a word we often use to describe Samsung phones.
At 176g it’s lighter than it looks, too. Don’t misunderstand: this is still very much a two-handed phone and if you’re used to regular-sized phones (whatever that means these days) you’ll be more conscious of the Note 4 in your hand, pocket or against your ear.
Aside from the front of the phone, though, which still looks like every Samsung smartphone ever made and the fact that waterproofing is missing here, the Note series design is definitely on the right track.
Thus Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is a new phone in tne market which moves very quickly over the market.Buy the phone and use the phone and you know who is the real king in the mobile world.

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